
Posts Tagged ‘Police State’



From the US Warmongers dept. Soros behind US lead Ukrainian Coup? Geez, I’m shocked! Apparently it involves military provocation, the US Treasury and FED to help the usurper Poroshenko to gain control of the country’s financial markets, a Nuland and Soros link.


From the “Mark of the Beast” dept. Trendies Ready for Ultimate Wearable: “Chip Implanted in Their Skin Used for Payments”


From the Government is Inept dept. TSA: Worthless and from perhaps the best source of news on the planet – yes how things have changed – Russian TV (RT America) TSA Fails…  I thought Israel was our allie?  They have an unblemished record of safety.  How do they secure their airlines?  Just saying.

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Their only hope is the one they never vote for.

Their only hope is the one they never vote for.

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.  It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”  William Pitt

Oppression breeds Rebellion.  The tyrant, whom in this day we call the “central planner”, has been around for a long time.  First tyrant may have been Nimrod (Gilgamesh) at the Tower of Babel.  The people of ancient Israel were warned against having a king in 1 Samuel 8 because of the loss of liberty, the expansion of the bureaucracy, the systemic plunder of resources, military buildup and wars and general oppression of all types.  We never learn our lesson it seems.


The citizens in America’s big cities vote for the same politicians who militarize the police and have changed police culture into a standing army ready to terrorize its own citizens.  How else have central planners (tyrants) been able to control nations and cities?  Nothing has changed.


The citizens in America’s big cities vote for the same politicians who regular and tax small businesses to death, destroying the middle class and job creation.  Even cigarettes cost to much.  Ask Eric Garner.  “Over half of the price of cigarettes in New York City is taxes, so you’ve criminalized behavior that really the police shouldn’t be involved with to begin with,” Rand Paul


People are beginning to realize that the apparatus of government is costly. But what they do not know is that the burden falls inevitably on them.”   Frédéric Bastiat

The people of Baltimore voted for Barack Obama because he was “black” but slave masters come in all skin colors.  They voted for Obama who was nothing more then a collectivist and Marxist ideologue, knowing little more than manipulation, theft and plunder, enriching the coffers of government until everybody is equal, that is to say, impoverished.   Except them of course.


“Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state lives at the expense of everyone.”  Frédéric Bastiat

The citizens in America’s big cities vote for the same politicians who must tax everything not nailed down in order to pay for the promises they cannot keep, in order to pay for the government’s ever expanding role in “managing” society, in order to pay for the bureaucracy that is needed to run the inefficient and bloated apparatus of government, and in order to turn police swat teams into Nazi brown shirts.

Rejection of liberalism opened my mind, which I was told by other liberals that it was already opened.

Collectivism, Statism, Socialism, Marxism, and its precursor “democracy” all lead to the same end.  Plunder, murder, destruction.

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.  John Adams – on why were are a constitutional republic

They think they vote for change yet they vote for the same fools over and over.  They vote for handouts instead of principles.  What does one expect when government schools teach them that government is savior and that it is the source of virtue and can satisfy ever need.  Just more lies.


Every step we take towards making the State our Caretaker of our lives, by that much we move toward making the State our Master” Dwight D. Eisenhower

They rebel against the tyrants they put in power.  They do not see that the police are simply the extension of the arm of government that seeks to control the citizen and needed to enforce the countless laws that are poured out upon them by the bureaucrats hired by the very politicians they voted for.

 “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”Thomas Jefferson, Page 271, Jeffersonian Cyclopedia – Alas, that ship has sailed.  Mr. Jefferson, we are to late.

In this age the great conflict is again between God and Government, Liberty and Tyranny, Freedom and Slavery, Justice and Oppression, Private Property vs. State Sponsored Plunder.  Look to the State and watch your cities burn.  Baltimore is only the beginning.

“Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.”  Benjamin Franklin

“Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil.”  Thomas Paine

“How soon we forget history … government is not reason.  Government is not eloquence.  It is force.  And. like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”  – George Washington

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“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy” Jesus, John 10:10a

“Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.”  Bob Lefevre

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”


As Bastiat pointed out in “The Law”, If government wants to run everything, control everything, manage everything, take responsibility for everything, they must also take all the blame for everything.

Our government (USA) is just one of the many biblical “beasts”.  By “beast” I mean what the scripture means, that is, an Empire.

The US Government has been illegitimate for quite some time, that is, illegal when measured against its own founding and governing documents.  Very early in its own history it attempted to exceed its constitutional confines and expand beyond its enumerated powers.  Particularly in the 20th century it has succeeded spectacularly in becoming a rouge entity, a vast plundering, murdering, destructive mechanism while at the same time dressing itself in white hat and robes.  Truly a “white washed sepulchral”.

Yet today, most of its citizens remain comforted in their ignorant belief that “we” are the “good guys” making the world safe for democracy, holding terrorism at bay and elevating the standard of living for everyone around the globe.  All the while the government has plundered the world through debt (destroying the middle class in the process); terrorizing its own citizens through militarizing the police; stealing directly from the people via taxation, fines, regulations, asset forfeiture; demonizing groups within society; and demonizing foreign leads as pretext to justifying wars.  Just like the devil, it steals, then murders, then destroys.

But tyranny is always clever,  so they hire scholars and award grants to professors who will rationalize and justify their evil deeds by cloaking them in nobility.  The very socialistic instructors at our institutions of higher learning apply the white wash themselves.  The government parades them as experts.  After all, we all listen to experts.

So lets rate our institutions shall we?  These are just my opinions of course.  And who am I?  Nobody.  Just another citizen with a bulls-eye on his head and not comfortable with it being there.  Of course your list may be different or use this one and add to it as you wish.


Central Banks and the member banks who own them…Yes JP Morgan, Goldman-Sachs, Deutsche bank, Rothchilds, Rockefellars, BIS, IMF, etc., this includes you.  For setting up this ponzi scheme to rob the peoples of the world of their wealth and resources.  For making them pay for their enslavement through usury (interest) by substituting paper currency for real money.  For creating the necessity for income taxes (IRS in the USA) so the central banks can pay their stockholders dividends.  For financing both sides of every war and conflict.  For allowing politicians to borrow vast sums of currency so promises can be made that cannot be kept and votes can be bought and in the end stiff the people with the bill.  For putting love of money above love for your neighbor.  You are the first leg of the triad, the master thieves, that make possible the murder and mankind and the destruction of the wealth that has taken people lifetimes to build.

Central banks are a heinous, evil anti-freedom and anti-capitalist concoction that is only enabled through the violence (laws) of government. And they exist solely as an extra hidden tax (inflation) and to keep insolvent governments operating longer than they otherwise would. – Jeff Berwick

5 out of 5 pentagrams

5 out of 5 pentagrams

The Government, including its lunatic leaders, its various departments and agencies and the bureaucratic drones and that keep it functioning.For colluding with the bankers on Jekyll Island and giving the gift of the Federal Reserve and IRS to the American people for Christmas in 1913.  For providing the “muscle” the banks need to force hard working people to pay for the currency printed out of thin air by the FED so Treasury Bonds can be bought so politicians can buy votes to stay in power (welfare) and make up laws to plunder the people to pay the banks their usury, all the while exempting themselves from the laws they create for others.  For meddling in every area of society by flooding it with debt (so called currency or “Federal Reserve Notes”).  For impoverishing the people by eroding the purchasing power of the “money” they are forces to use by passing unconstitutional legal tender laws.  For its relentless war on liberty and property.  For its endless attempts to disarm the population so they can be more easily controlled and terrorized.  For the Judges who, being on the federal payroll, no longer see a need to constrain the government because they, not the Constitution, now determine what the law says.

5 out of 5 pentagrams

5 out of 5 pentagrams

 Industrial Military Complex, Prison Complex, including its contractors and corporations providing government with the means and equipment necessary to oppress the people, wage endless wars, provide debtors prisons, spy and terrorize the peoples of this and all nations.These subsidized corporate welfare whores could not compete and indeed would not even exist in a free market.  They depend upon favors from government, legal protections written into law for their benefits, and access to government revenue stolen from the American tax serf.

4 out of 5 pentagrams

4 out of 5 pentagrams

 Police and Municipalities, DHS, ATF, FBI and any other entity involved converting law enforcement via militarization into the equivalent of Nazi Brown shirts (SD).For ever escalating asset forfeiture against motorists cloaked behind the failed “war on drugs”.  For the new culture of intimidation and violence as part of the terrorizing the the citizen which is always used as governments move towards tyranny.Fortunately some Sheriffs, policemen and some military personnel are “Oath keepers”.

3 out of 5 pentagrams

3 out of 5 pentagrams

 The main stream media.  Including the rags like New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, USA Today, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, CNBC, MSNBC. For regurgitating the endless economic lies streaming from government agencies.  For covering pointless items ad-nauseam while omitting anything critical of The Powers That Be (TPTB).  For encouraging people to look to government as a solution instead of the cause.  They ignore the real and obvious systemic problems in the economy while promoting the agenda of the warmonger in the white house.  They don’t know the difference between a Keynesian and an Austrian economist, or if they do, they aren’t telling.  They are the mouth-pieces of collectivism and slavery.

2 out of 5 pentagrams

2 out of 5 pentagrams

 Amusement Industry.  For keeping the American people asleep until the time of their slaughter.  American Idol, sporting events, iPhones, iPads, Tinder, Disney World.  Those are some of the obvious ones.  But our all-wise overlords have amusements for every taste imaginable.For Christians they have very well paid tele-evangelists spinning tales of the rapture and “THE” anti-Christ so that this troublesome group will be unprepared and easily eliminated.  As Spurgeon remarked “the clowns entertaining the goats”.  No longer is it “fashionable” to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.For the unrefined there is Honey BoBo.  For the progressive, there is Jon Stewart or Two and a half Men. For nerds there is The Big Bang Theory.  Whatever it takes to keep the people pacified and unaware of the catastrophe building around them. 

1 out of 5 pentagrams

1 out of 5 pentagrams

Well that’s my short list from the nightmare I had last night.   I have to go back to work now.


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Businessman Screwed


It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder.  Frédéric Bastiat

Read the article and watch the great John Oliver describe how “We the People” have become targets of the thieves that manage our cities and keep us “safe”.

How Municipalities and Police screw you from Liberty Blitzkrieg’s Michael Krieger

And while I do not have a lot of respect for the Washington Post, they had a very good 6 part video report calling for the end of asset forfeiture by thieves we call police, judges and magistrates.

Part 1 here



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By now many of you have heard of the 11 year old boy who was suspended from school for a year because he had a Japanese maple leaf in his backpack which he brought to prison, I mean, to school. Apparently, the “well educated” staff reacted in accordance with the zero tolerance policies that are in place all over the Virginia commonwealth (and the US). The enforcement of these moronic policies falls to school administrators that our institutions of higher learning has successfully lobotomized the common sense and wisdom portions of their brains.   There is much that could be said about the incident such as HERE and HERE, but it seems as if two obvious and ominous possibilities exist.


  1. The bureaucrats in charge of our public school systems are mindless drones that need strict policy guidelines that they can reflexively obey.  Even though they are among the most highly educated among us, often considering themselves somewhat elite, they have no ability to differentiate because truth, fiction, hear-say, unsubstantiated accusations, and do not engage in independent thought and do not know how to apply any kind of common sense.  Thus our public schools are run by over educated morons.  So do yourself a favor and save your kid from such “schools”.
  2. Or they know exactly what they are doing.  The objective of zero tolerance policies is to inculcate in children a fear and questioning obedience to the rules and policies of the state.  The are intentionally using these kind of policies as part of a larger effort to produce a society of lemming and compliant surfs to do the bidding of our all-wise overlords.

Even though the school bureaucracy acted like completely moronic lemmings and the sheriff’s department did their best to look like mindless drones, the family is forced to pay for lawyers and negotiate with the school administrative staff to get their kid back into school.  Instead they should receive a written public apology from the school and sheriff’s department.  All bureaucrats and prosecutors involved should be fired immediately.  And the Virginia Dept. of Education and every politician who voted to implement such policies should be sued.  Alas, the world is not perfect.

No doubt that they have passed laws and rules so generic as to cover any contingency such as “look-alike” drugs.  The defense will be the same as in NAZI Germany, “it was legal”.

An additional sad and disgusting note.  After reading the story one finds that these jerks from the school board and Sheriff’s office knew they were wrong and tried to delay, conceal and stonewall the plain truth of the matter.  One of the serious problems of our society if that people no longer care about what is true.  They care only about following policy rather than applying common sense, conviction statistics rather than justice, prefer intimidation over freedom and ideology over truth.  But what should one expect when truth becomes relative?

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Excellent summary of what is taking place in America and to some degree in all western “civilized” countries. Some high lights…

There is little difference between Democrat and Republican politicians. The two “opposing” parties might as well be renamed the Bloods and the Crips. They both stand for the same thing and that is bigger government and less freedom.

Both parties want the same thing and that same thing has to do with your wealth and freedom. Both will do whatever it takes to be in charge. The country does not matter. Only their position in the trough matters.

Government has had to re-define rights and behaviors (many of which are supposed to be constitutionally protected) as dangerous or illegal.  They have to do this to maintain control over their primary exploited resource, you.   To see a partial list of problem children can be seem HERE.

But now the Obama administration is removing all references to Islam from terror training materials, and instead the term “terrorist” is being applied to large groups of American citizens.

Screen-Shot-2015-02-20-at-11.38.07-AMAmong them are…

And on and on it goes.  After all, you have no right to dissent unless you have a valid government issued licence for such dissent.

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From the…

The conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder” dept. Bastiat

TSA to Arrest Anyone Charged with any Crime trying to Come or Leave – including taxes … The border is closing rapidly. First it was FATCA hunting Americans with any assets overseas whatsoever. Now just two days after taking charge of the committee chairing the House Homeland Security subcommittee hearing, U.S. Rep. John Katko introduced two bills. He is looking to effectively close the borders using terrorism as the excuse as always to hunt down Americans. Katko is a former federal prosecutor. So he knows precisely what he is doing writing a law that is so broad, that anyone suspected of a crime cannot leave the country. This is any crime. Keeping gold in a safe deposit box is money laundering carrying up to 25 years in prison. – Martin Armstrong

As the US government becomes more desperate to fund its vast welfare and military apparatus, the search for revenue is becoming ever more invasive. See the full article at The Daily Bell. Transforming the TSA from air safety to any suspected crime. I hope you don’t have gold in a safety deposit box. If you do, you must be laundering money. Your arrest may be eminent.

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The police, judges, and government in general are waging war against the public.  Unlike the cartoon above, you don’t have to be guilty of a crime.  Just the suspicion that your property was involved in a crime is enough for the police to seize your stuff.  This seizure of stuff has been escalating since at least 2002.  Even the Heritage Foundation, a very conservative think tank, is catching on.  Below is one chart from an excellent article about “asset forfeiture”.  I think is it called “equity sharing” when the Feds art involved.


Click on image to read article – Civil Asset Forfeiture: 7 Things You Should Know

But wait!  It doesn’t stop there.  Cops, Judges, and “Civil” Servants need a lot of money for their salaries, huge pensions, and excellent benefits, so…


In Australia cops sit camouflaged hiding in the wood-side to trap “speeders”.  In Switzerland, speed cameras go off at 2 mph over the seep limit.  Then the fine is calculated based upon how fast you were going and how much money you make.  Well, it is better then being shot dead for no reason like John Geer was.

Bang bang, John's dead

Bang bang, John’s dead

Finally, after 17 months while Fairfax County Police and Government sat on it hoping it would go away, a reasonable judge granted a court order to release the documents.  The Washington Post writes “Friday night, under a court order obtained by lawyers for the Geer family, Fairfax released more than 11,000 pages of documents that shed new light on the police shooting”.  Really, 11 thousand pages?  Excessive pages are used by bureaucrats to obfuscate issues, not to determine truth.  Never-the-less, in Fairfax county we too have sociopathic loose cannons running around with guns ready to murder someone at the slightest twitch.  And Fairfax has an ever growing bureaucracy ready to cover it up.  But hey, Fairfax is mostly democrats and RINOs that always vote to expand the state.  They commute into DC and suck off the federal tit to finance their lifestyles anyway.

What will it take to stop this theft (legal or not) and unnecessarily quick resort to violence and force by police?  It may be safer for the public to be armed and the police to be disarmed.  It is almost as if, in its stupidity, the government in its endless quest for revenue, is provoking the public into retaliation.  More likely they want more and more plunder, because governments (police, judges and bureaucrats) DO NOT PRODUCE a goods or services that can bring in revenue, so they utilize force to shakedown the citizen.  They are certainly not interested in justice.

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The “rich” of this world are often lumped together with the elites of this world as the 1%.  But there are differences within this 1% and it is a difference that is very important.

Now if you are a socialist then everyone that produces an income is, or will eventually be, a target.  Of course being a socialist also means you are utterly ignorant of economics (Keynesians excluded as that is not economics).  So we will leave socialists alone to their “philanthropic” destruction of the world by plunder.

Eric Sprott: Not a member of the elite.

Eric Sprott: Not a member of the elite.

Thus, moving on, this 1% is composed of the elite rich who want to rule the world and those who are not members of the elite.  First lets identify the elite.  They are governors of central banks, politicians that make up governments and owners of corporations that provide services to banks and governments.  They also control armies of bureaucrats which fill agency after federal agency.  These obedient lemmings implement and expand the wishes of their masters.  The drones run various government agencies that regulate, fine, and steal private property in all its forms.  In addition to having their own police arms within the bureaucracies, they also use or control local, state, and federal police forces that provide force to terrorize the general population.

Hogo Salinas Price: not a member of the elite.

Hogo Salinas Price: not a member of the elite.

These “armies” use the same reasoning for doing their duty (impoverishing and destroying the lives of the citizens) as found with the Nazi bureaucracies.  They use “it was legal” and “I was just following orders”.  The enforcement powers do not protect the citizen, they enforce the laws made up by rouges who used deceit to get elected.  This is how tyranny always starts.  Corruption needs to legalize itself.  Then once legal, the enforcement powers are filled with drones who will do the bidding of the tyrant.  Public education has many purposes especially in its omissions.  They omit clear reasoning and critical thinking but make good citizens.  So we end up where Tacitus said we would.  Like Rome…

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”

The problem for the elite is twofold.  The first problem is control of the populous. In order to control the population they have to control the resources.  The average citizen needs to be put into a position so they cannot do anything more then protest.  They do not want the average Joe to have access to force.

Hence they desperately need gun control.  They need to redefining those opposing government as “domestic terrorists”.  The need to pass executive actions that allow confiscation of all assets.  They need a dependent population so they oppose any self reliance.  That’s why raiding groceries selling “raw milk” and teaching police how to escalate situations so force can be “justified” by the courts are part of the same game plan.  They need income so they push for carbon taxes because of “climate change”, want to tax the rich, they manipulate markets and the stocks of the DJIA.  Virtually anything government does that does not protect life, liberty and property is for control and enslavement of its “inventory”.

In the US, almost every action of government is overreach and is prohibited by the tenth amendment.  So the constitution becomes a “living” document, malleable to the whims of the power hungry sociopaths and the over-educated army of obedient implementers they must pay for.  If our all-wise overlords, elite central planners and sociopathic political class didn’t want to control you and I, they would need almost to money.  But because they do, they need great mountains of it, which is why they use paper currency.

Egon Von Greyerz: Not a member of the elite.

Egon Von Greyerz: Not a member of the elite.

The second is bankrupt governments.  Governments are the enforcement arm of the central planners and central banks.  What started out as a good scam, i.e., using debt to finance government and taxing the people to pay for it, has gone from manageable to nightmare for them, and everybody else unfortunately.  While they may be personally wealthy, their institutions, financial instruments and apparatuses they control are unsustainable because debt needs to grow to be sustainable.  The very dollar itself is debt, it is not money.  Or better, the money we use is debt with interest due it and somewhere down the line that interest has to be paid.  As their need to expand control grows so does the debt needed to pay for it.  They don’t want to pay for it, they want the citizens of their fiefdom to both pay for that control and to take a little off the top for their personal holdings.  This has created a debt based system that is now on the verge of collapse because of debt and leverage on that debt.  To understand this go here.

Marc Faber:  Not a member of the elite.

Marc Faber: Not a member of the elite.

So governments need to find ways to extract more money from the system.  Sometimes class warfare is used.  Like the Jews of Nazi Germany, the rich are used as the scapegoat for the liberals so called “middle class economics”.  Middle class economics like Marxist bourgeoisie physics does not exist.  It is a made up term to create class warfare.  It should be no surprise that liberals borrow from Marx.  But the problem is not the wealth of the rich.  It is politicians who have promised far to much to people and now can’t keep their promises.  It is central banks and governments that have intervened and meddled in the real economy, causing prices to rise, stealing your purchasing power, and manipulating every perception.   It is the huge pensions promised to the vast bureaucracies that are no longer affordable.  The apparatuses of government have grown so large in an effort to control the masses it is having convulsions ahead of the coming collapse of the petrodollar.  So now they must look for additional ways to plunder and impoverish their citizens.

Taxing the rich, many of which are not the elite, will not help the middle class in the slightest.  Government would consume anything they got from the rich in a matter of weeks if not days.  And it would be wasted on further expansion of the control apparatus because more needs to be squeezed from your wallet.  In any case, the rich who are in the elite will not be target of the governments they control.  No, the only rich that will be taxed are those opposed to the oppression and stupidity of the current socialist system.  The rich who support this system of debt enslavement by taxing citizens to pay for the elites debt will not be touched.

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WelfareWarfare From Warfare to Welfare, the whole spectrum of government requires one thing, money.  The money loaned to the government, so it can continue to function, comes directly or indirectly from the FED, our central bank. That is because government does not have any money and produces very little the marketplace wants.  So they either tax people directly, which is to obvious, or they borrow it from the FED.

Where does the FED get the money to loan?  They make it up.  They print it.  They alter digits on a computer.  Now, if you did that, you would be a counterfeiter.

Who authorized the bank to counterfeit?  Our government of course.  It is slight of hand to permits government to borrow without direct taxation.  So government has put into place laws to make themselves and their partner the FED the exception.  They always pass laws to make whatever they want “legal” even if it is theft.  Just as they pass laws to criminalize your existence so they can have justification for your arrest, incarceration or death, whatever is necessary. Episode4_poster The FED, or for that matter, banks in general, have no money but most people assume they do.  The banks either make it up or they multiply what is given to them, which is where we get the term fractional reserve banking.  So either they change the balance in a computer or you give it to them from which the multiply it times ten.  They can also leverage that multiplied amount using other financial instruments like derivatives.  In any case, they charge you interest on every dollar used even though it is your dollar.

Pretty sweet to loan you your own cash and charge you interest on your own money.  The Federal Reserve Note (US dollar) is simply a note of debt that has interest due on it.

All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.  John Adams

How does this debt get paid?  Most people think taxes go to paying for roads, schools, fire stations, etc.  They does not.  Taxes are used to pay off the original loan plus the interest on that loan that the government took out.

How does the government take out a loan?  They sell bonds (US Treasuries) which are also due interest.  After all, why would anyone buy them if they paid nothing to the purchasers (which are usually big banks that are connected in some way to the FED and the US Treasury).  Taxes go towards paying the interest due to the FED and to paying off the Bond holders the interest due to them.  Then the government takes out more loans to spend on keeping its minions (bureaucrats) paid and spending the rest on warfare, welfare and public works.  Those loans have interest due them too.

What happens when the interest is not paid?  You cannot take out any more loans.  So the government has to pay the interest via taxes or else the flow of money stops.  Thus the debt must be paid.  It can never stop.  But each loan has to be larger then the last one because it has to cover the original loan plus the interest due on it, else not more loans.  If no more loans, then no more EBT cards and food stamps, no more social security checks, no more federal pensions, no more military spending, no more FDIC, no more subsidies for education, agriculture, oil; no more police militarization, no more regulators, no more PBS, no more Planned Parenthood, no more American Heart Association, no more Post office, no more foreign aid.  You get the picture.

From the federal government to the municipality, they all depend on loans.  All of which have interest to be paid.  The banks grow wealthier and turns around and buys more bonds from the government because the government has to borrows more to meet its growing obligations.  And it needs more power so it can take more from the so called “inventory”, as the IRS puts it.  And you are the “inventory” they are referring to. You are required to fill their purse. give-me-control-of-a-nations-money Now we can see the utter stupidity of the Occupy Wall St. movement, welfare democrats and neo-cons.  The occupy movement actually wanted the government to take on the banks, whom the government depends on for its very survival.  Occupy has no clue what is going on (get a clue here).  They do not understand that to use the government for anything is to benefit the banks, to put money into the pockets of Wall St. Financiers, and to plunder the people further.

Unfortunately, many politicians know to place power into the hands of government is to strengthen the banks.  To want more welfare like “FREE College” is to strengthen the banks.  To go to war is to strengthen the banks.  Any call to government action is to steal from people, mostly middle class working people.  How utterly absurd to believe the government would come to the aid of the people against the banks when banking has become the foundation upon which our socialist government now sits.


Now we can also see why Detroit pays millions of dollars back to the banks yet cuts off the water of poor people.  Detroit has to pay back the loans it took out to make good on all the political promises like pensions and health care.  Otherwise the loans will stop and when they stop, so do the services which people have been promised.  And where do they get the money to pay these loans?  From the residents of Detroit themselves.  So they will squeeze (tax and fine) the people who voted them into office.  The is the route of welfare.

We can also see the need for constant US wars.  The stability of the dollar must be maintained.  If it loses the perception of value it will jeopardize the ability of the federal government to pay back its loans.  The lives of soldiers are spent in loan maintenance to the banks and a bankrupt government, while feed other rationalizations to justify the violence by soothing the conscience with morality.


Until this debt based system ends war and poverty and hunger will not.  Purchasing power is disappearing like the middle class.  Debt based money that fuels government and the banks only enrich the elite and plunder and murder everyone else.  The system must not only end, it must not be restarted after it collapses.

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