
Posts Tagged ‘heirloom seeds’

Carrots of Color

Carrots of Color

While people the main stream media (MSM) call “preppers” are gathering supplies for the coming storm and its aftermath, eventually this too will run out.  Some of us are showing up late in the ball game and have not had extensive years to sock away copious amounts of survival supplies and have not been able to horde small mountains of gold, silver and toilet paper (barter items).   Money is also a very real constraint on most of us.  Many of us are living paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet or borrowing (credit debt) to maintain our current, yet declining, lifestyle.

Many issues could be addressed here, but I am not an expert at guerrilla warfare, living off the land, or a former special forces guy.  Even if I had a hand-grenade I couldn’t throw if far enough and run away fast enough to be a every effective combatant in the coming social strife and chaos that will soon consume the cities and urban centers.  By blogging standards, I am ancient.

I do believe that people will have to learn how to garden.  Why?  Because you won’t be able to go down to the store.  The shelves will be as bare as old mother Hubbard’s cupboard.  Your ATM will not dispense cash.  Your debit card will not work.  Fuel may be difficult to source so your generator will run dry.  Don’t plan on mowing your grass either.  I’m glad gasoline prices are dropping but once the currency loses value, no amount of it will be eggs from the farm lady down at the end of the road, let alone gasoline for your SUV.  Better get a bike.

Sorry for the digression.  Back to gardening.  First, learn about it.  This is both easier and harder then it looks.  Easy because of things like “Square Foot Gardening”.  Harder because there are a lot of plants with a lot of nuances.  Do the easy stuff first.  Time and experience will teach you the nuances.  If you really want to survive long term and you don’t have the option to just up and move (most of us don’t), learn about permaculture.  Google “Geoff Lawton” for starters or go HERE.

But lets simplify.

Philosophy: Think beyond yourself.  Very important.  Your aim should be to overproduce.  If you grow food for yourself, you are a target, if you grow food for others, you are an asset.  This goes back to the New Testament and perhaps further.  Anyway, Jesus knows what he is doing.

Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. Luke 17:33

Seeds: accumulate them and learn how to save them after harvest.  My step-son gave me 100 dollar gift card to a seed supplier for Christmas which was a wonderful gift.  P.s. weeds grow fast, kale grows faster.

More seeds please

More seeds please – coffee is optional

Soil: Think compost and raised beds to start with.  Fall leaves = Spring compost.

My first raised beds three seasons ago.

My first raised beds three seasons ago.

Exposure: North of the equator (like Virginia), look south.  If you have a sunny southern facing room, start plants indoors.

Indoor planting - onions

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Monsanto Seed Network

Good article about the four steps you can take to keep Monsanto out of your garden from The Healthy Home Economist.   Other useful links found their are…

  1. Avoid buying from the seed companies affiliated with Monsanto. Here’s a list of these seed companies: http://www.seminis.com/global/us/products/Pages/Home-Garden.aspx
  2. Buy from this list of companies Monsanto HASN’T bought and are not affiliated or do business with Seminis:  http://www.occupymonsanto360.org/2012/03/06/monsanto-free-seed-companies/
  3. Avoid certain heirloom varieties because Monsanto now apparently owns the names. This article lists the seed varieties to avoid: http://www.occupymonsanto360.org/2012/03/17/monsanto-owned-seednames/
  4. And the safe seed resource list http://www.councilforresponsiblegenetics.org/ViewPage.aspx?pageId=261

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